Since the thermal expansion of concrete is different from that of
masonry. The interface between the concrete and the masonry is
liable to crack. To avoid this crack the chicken wire mesh is used to
avoid the crack and also provides the better grip for Masonry with
Similarly when the drainage pipes are laid along with the outer wall
then again the connection between the pipe and the wall has
different coefficient of temperature change hence they are joint to
the concrete by lead keys.
In the toilets and kitchen sunken portion the joints in any case are
packed by water proof and non shrinkable material.
masonry. The interface between the concrete and the masonry is
liable to crack. To avoid this crack the chicken wire mesh is used to
avoid the crack and also provides the better grip for Masonry with
Similarly when the drainage pipes are laid along with the outer wall
then again the connection between the pipe and the wall has
different coefficient of temperature change hence they are joint to
the concrete by lead keys.
In the toilets and kitchen sunken portion the joints in any case are
packed by water proof and non shrinkable material.